Opening the TMeter Service configuration
To open TMeter Service configuration, start TMeter
Administrative Console and use the command
"Action" -> "Connect" from the menu or use the button
on the toolbar.
- By default, the password for TMeter Service is blank.
It is strongly recommended to change the password.
- TMeter Service allows remote configuring over
- TMeter Service listens to the TCP port 7643 for
incoming connections from TMeter Administrative Console.
- For security reasons, TMeter Service may accept
incoming connections from TMeter Administrative Console only on
single specific address. The address should belong to this PC,
otherwise you may not connect to the Service (See "Options" dialog
in TMeter Administrative Console).
- TMeter Service can serve only one connection with
TMeter Adminstation Console.
TMeter Administrative Console allows specifying
hostname and password in the command line. For example:
trafadmin.exe /host localhost /password qwerty
where localhost - the hostname or IP-address running TMeter
qwerty - the password (if NULL, TMeter Administrative Console will
connect with the blank password).
You can create several shortcuts on your desktop for auto-connect
to TMeter Services running on different hosts.